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I always feel game development is a fascinating job. There are many individuals out there with different hobbies. That's very interesting that my story can reach out to other people who share the same hobby in game development. One of my readers asked me a question that inspired this post. I appreciate your email.

But not everything in game development is fun for me. I have some preferences about what I like to do and what I don't. Let me start with the job I love the most so you can get a better idea. As I mentioned in previous posts, game design is my first favorite job. Time flies, and I recognize other aspects of game development. I could tell that's a long list, but here are some of them:

  • Programming

  • Designing 2D, UI/UX

  • 3D Modelling

  • Testing game

  • Etc

There are many more if we dive deep inside each one of them. I felt overwhelmed when I thought about all the tasks I had to handle as a solo game developer. Fortunately, I did not give up.

The game-developing journey taught me two things about the most unwanted job:

  • At first, I was terrified of the job that was way out of my comfort zone. But that was just a phase. As I learned more and more, the fear went away, and I became confident.

  • Secondly, I don't want a repetitive job. Imagine doing the same thing every day, over and over. It's like eating the same food for every meal. Testing games is that kind of job for me right now. But I have to do it at any price because the quality is my biggest concern for my games.

As you can see, being a solo game developer is not easy, but it's fun. I'm willing to answer any question. Please don't hesitate drop your comments below! Thank you for your time.

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